Apply Self-Hypnosis to Activate Your Inner Resources!

I offer you right here a 27 min 7 sec guided hypnosis session!

7 Dec. 2024, 2-4 min read, 27 min 7 sec guided hypnosis session

Dear Transformation Cravers,

This is a guided hypnosis contributing to:

• activation of Your inner resources, like confidence and drive to follow Your dreams;
• reaching the state of relaxation, peace and ease;
• sleep quality improvement;
• alignment of Your subconscious and conscious;
• creation of the impulse provoking Your desired transformation by your mind and heart;
• release of emotions;
• further unfolding the experience that emerges from this video.

This session may be repeated as often as you choose to reinforce these resources and abilities.

All hypnosis is self-hypnosis. The power for positive change resides within Your own mind. If You choose to accept the suggestions presented in this session, You can rest comfortably knowing that You are the one safely in control of Your own positive results. Please share this video with individuals who might need support.

I would be happy if you send me a comment letting me know your thoughts.

This work is not intended to substitute for professional medical or counseling advice. If You suffer from a physical or mental illness, please always seek professional help.


TransformationHypnotherapy offers Hypnotherapy/ Hypnocoaching to facilitate Your Transformation! Book a Free Initial Call!

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Hypnotherapy effects/ results may vary among different individuals.

Sending You many suns 🌞🌞🌞.

© 2024 TransformationHypnotherapy;
© 2024 AnzheliNycVoice;
© 2024 anzhelinyc.voice.

© 2024-2025 TransformationHypnotherapy. All rights reserved.

Apply Hypnosis to Feel Comfortable on Camera on Social Media:
Here’s My Personal Experience

I reveal one of the key points of successful hypnosis.

7 Dec. 2024, 2-4 min read

Dear Transformation Cravers🌞🌞🌞,

As I mentioned, I have been applying hypnosis for myself for a long time, and I will continue doing it. I would like to share where I applied self-hypnosis in the past few weeks.

I have almost not used Social Media. I had Facebook and Instagram profiles with a couple of photos. Some of them were of me... and I almost never recorded myself on camera and, of course, did not share the video recordings publicly😅. I thought it was my choice related to protecting my privacy🤓, but... under closer investigation, it became clear that I literally had panic when it came to publishing videos of myself 😅. Can You relate to this?

As I wanted to share my passion for Hypnotherapy on Social Media, I had to question myself if I was ready to appear on camera for Social Media. The answer was: "absolutely NO"😅.

BUT, fortunately, I had an amazing chance to take part in a free digital creation boot camp held by an extraordinary personality and Digital Creator: Prince EA. In the boot camp, Prince EA very clearly addressed that faceless channels might have less success.

On that day, I wrote and applied a self-hypnosis script to address on a subconscious level my "relationship" with public appearance on Social Media 🪄🪄🪄.

It is very important to address any desired transformation on both the subconscious and conscious level. So, I addressed my transformation on the subconscious level through self-hypnosis. Addressing my desire on the conscious level meant to start learning and practicing.

So, I decided to take massive action and enrolled in a digital creation program by Prince EA. I do not have enough words to thank Prince EA 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼 — he has a thorough approach that addresses digital creation education ! 

I am very proud to share that I no longer experience this "panic" related to public appearance on social media. It feels very freeing! Can You imagine? It is the result of addressing transformation both on the subconscious and conscious levels. On the right side/ above, I share newly created videos 🌞🌞🌞. Here You will find my YouTube channel         .

It is very important to me to "live what I teach" this is why I wanted to share this story to prove how hypnosis works in reality. 

I would be very happy to support You in Your Transformation - Hypnotherapy makes personal transformation much, much easier 🪄🪄🪄. 

Please visit the "Contacts and Bookings" section to arrange a free initial call.

Sending You many suns🌞🌞🌞! (27.11.2024)

© 2024-2025 TransformationHypnotherapy. All rights reserved.